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New Research On Drinking During Pregnancy
The new research published in the British Medical Journal, suggests evidence of harmful effects on light or occasional drinking during pregnancy, is very limited. Despite this, women are still advised to avoid all alcohol during pregnancy, as we are simply uncertain about the effect of even low levels of alcohol intake on unborn babies. Read more
Mothers with various shaped/sized breasts/nipples can breastfeed. Babies breastfeed, they don’t nipple feed. Truly inverted nipples (ie where the nipples are completely stuck inwards) are very rare. Some mothers have nipples that don’t stand out or nipples that take more ‘coaxing’ to come out. With good help and persistence, most mothers find that breastfeeding becomes […] Read more
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How long should I breastfeed my baby?
How long to continue breastfeeding for is a personal decision for each family to make. IF YOU BREASTFEED YOUR BABY FOR JUST A FEW DAYS, he will have received your colostrum, or early milk. By providing antibodies and the food his brand-new body expects, breastfeeding gives your baby his first — and easiest — ‘immunisation’ […] Read more
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Folic Acid in Small Babies
There is now evidence that taking folic acid before conception reduces the chance of a small for gestational age baby (SGA) being born. These are babies which weigh less than the 10th centile. Small babies have an increased risk of a number of conditions including hypertension, diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease. Folic acid has been prescribed […] Read more
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Vitamin D and Pregnancy
Vitamin D helps to maintain your muscle and bone strength. It also helps your body absorb calcium from food. Vitamin D may also give you protection against developing diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and some types of cancer. Adults who have vitamin D deficiency do not usually feel any different but in some cases […] Read more