At the recent annual conference of the American College of Obstetrician/Gynaecologists between 4-8 May 2013, a study presented by Russell implied that high carbohydrate levels may be responsible for impairing embryo quality. Embryo development was higher in patients who have a high protein and low carbohydrate diet. Clinical pregnancy rates were higher – 66% versus 31%, and live birth rates were higher – 58% versus 11%.
Gestational influenza increases the risk of Bipolar disorder. This is a very interesting study suggesting that infection with influenza during pregnancy increased the risk of Bipolar psychiatric disorder in children later in life. Earlier studies had claimed a link between schizophrenia and viral illnesses during pregnancy with these babies. Our current advice is that all women who are planning a pregnancy should be vaccinated against influenza in advance or vaccinated during pregnancy itself if not already vaccinated.