Any time now, you may feel your baby moving or kicking, like a faint tickling or fluttering. If this is not your first baby, you may have noticed these movements earlier. The fundus (top of your uterus) is now at navel level and your doctor or midwife will feel your abdomen to check the size of your uterus. Your gums may swell and bleed when you brush your teeth. The swelling is a result of more pregnancy hormones.
Your baby’s skin begins to form a white, waxy coating called vernix. The vernix clings to the fine downy hair all over your baby’s skin, to protect it and hold in moisture.
Your baby is now forming a pattern of activity and sleep and this may be different from yours! Your baby may be more active when you want to sleep. Your baby will be about 350-450 grams in weight. Your baby is rapidly growing now and their internal organs are all formed and mature, except for the lungs.