Lack of energy or sore back and hips are common complaints in pregnancy. During this time as our bodies change and adapt it is important that we find movement that is comfortable and enjoyable. Regular exercise can maintain cardiovascular fitness, which can be important for labour. Exercise can also play a role in maintaining a healthy weight in pregnancy and reducing the risk of gestational diabetes.
Exercise of a moderate intensity for about 20-30 minutes per day for at least five days of the week is recommended. Such as walking, swimming, stationary cycling, low impact aerobics, modified yoga and modified Pilates.
Exercise that has the potential to cause trauma to the abdomen or increase your risk of losing your balance should be avoided. You should also avoid exercising in high heat or humidity, like hot yoga or Pilates. Other examples of exercise to be avoided in pregnancy are; contact sports (like hockey, football, basketball and netball), water and snow skiing, surfing, off-road cycling, gymnastics and horseback riding. Activities like scuba diving and skydiving should also be avoided.